Wednesday, 14 February, 2024 - 12:40

En CEEI Burgos, estamos reforzando el equipo para un nuevo proyecto. Buscamos dos perfiles (si te interesa contacta con nosotros, recepción de canditados hasta el 21 de febrero:

    Técnic@ especialista en cyberseguridad

    Técnic@ en comunicación y marketing digital

Wednesday, 17 August, 2022 - 12:42

Society for the development of Burgos (SODEBUR) and European Business and Innovation Centre (CEEI Burgos) participate as partners in the Interreg Europe project INTER VENTURES together with entities from Hungary, Italy, Poland and Lithuania.

Tuesday, 21 June, 2022 - 14:34

Last 15th of June, CEEI Burgos participated in a local event to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Several people interested in entrepreneurship went through the stand where technicians of CEEI advised and gave them information.

The main goals were:

Wednesday, 8 June, 2022 - 18:50

The 24th and 25th of May, the annual EBN congress, the European Business Network, took place in Brussels. An event in which CEEI Burgos had the opportunity to participate as members of the network and introduced the Bridges Interreg Europe project.

The event was held at the “Square – Brussels Convention Center” and gathered more than 250 representatives of different organizations. During the two-days event, CEEI Burgos set up a booth and introduced the project to other members of the European network.

Friday, 22 April, 2022 - 17:10

Following the request of the Regional Council of Kainuu (Finland) on behalf of the BRIDGES project partnership, a matchmaking session was organised by the Policy Learning Platform (PLP) of the Interreg Europe (IE) programme, on the 30th March 2022. The session was dedicated to value chain-based development and good practices addressing policy challenges related to in-shoring, re-shoring and near-shoring within the EU.

Tuesday, 7 December, 2021 - 10:36

On the 3rd of November 2021 the Presidents of the Burgos Provincial Government and the Society for the Development of Burgos Province (SODEBUR) endorsed the Action Plan for the Province of Burgos produced by SODEBUR and CEEI-Burgos as partners of Interreg Europe INTER VENTURES in collaboration with the regional stakeholders group formed by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y Leon (ICE), Territorial Delegation of  ICEX (Spain and Trade Investments), the Chamber of Commerce of Burgos, FAE Burgos (Businesses Association’s Federation), ADRI Ribera del Duero Burgalesa (

Monday, 15 November, 2021 - 19:31

On Friday the 15th of October the Upenskills Multiplier event was successfully organized by CEEI-Burgos. It was held as the VI Meeting of young entrepreneurs, which took place in Burgos (Spain) in the facilities of the University Isabel I, one of main CEEI-Burgos stakeholders. With this event, CEEI Burgos wanted to promote Burgos entrepreneurship especially among young people as part of the multiplier event within the framework of UpenSkills project.

Monday, 21 December, 2020 - 19:21

A primeros de diciembre tuvimos la reunión del proyecto europeo UpenSkills, un proyecto donde se busca desarrollar y mejorar las habilidades de los emprendedores.
Durante la fase inicial del proyecto y con los distintos grupos de trabajo de las regiones socias del proyecto se determinaron las habilidades más reseñables para los emprendedores.

Tuesday, 1 December, 2020 - 10:49

Last 12th of November took place the Ambition to Employ Multiplier Event to encourage entrepreneurship, ideas generation, start-ups creation and growth through collaborators or new employees.
With this philosophy and as members of the European Project Ambition to Employ, CEEI Burgos organized this workshop in collaboration with the University of Burgos (UBU).

Friday, 13 November, 2020 - 12:27

Since the European project: BRIDGES began in April 2016, in which we are participating as advisory partner, we have been working to improve regional development and sharing the experience with other members of the European Union.
