Submitted on Wed, 17/08/2022 - 12:42
Society for the development of Burgos (SODEBUR) and European Business and Innovation Centre (CEEI Burgos) participate as partners in the Interreg Europe project INTER VENTURES together with entities from Hungary, Italy, Poland and Lithuania.
INTER VENTURES project started in August 2019 and will end in January 2023. The overall goal is to promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized businesses by improving municipal policy documents and the support mechanism for business.
During INTER VENTURES project’s implementation in the province of Burgos (Spain), both partners have worked within the framework of the policy instrument named “Strategic Plan for the province of Burgos 2021-2025”. SODEBUR is also the body responsible of its management. The main objective of this Plan is the definition of strategic actions based on the ideas and challenges for the future at short and medium term for rural development in the province of Burgos.
Thus, according to the needs previously identified in the area, companies situated in the rural areas of the province of Burgos are requiring new ways of support to improve their internationalisation processes. The Action Plan is aiming at promoting the internationalisation of rural companies under the perspective of the current economic situation due to the pandemic COVID-19
- Review, improvement and proposal of existing and new training programmes on internationalisation aiming at Burgos rural SMEs.
- Review and improvement of available financial instruments to promote internationalisation among rural companies in the province of Burgos.