Submitted on Fri, 22/04/2022 - 17:10
Following the request of the Regional Council of Kainuu (Finland) on behalf of the BRIDGES project partnership, a matchmaking session was organised by the Policy Learning Platform (PLP) of the Interreg Europe (IE) programme, on the 30th March 2022. The session was dedicated to value chain-based development and good practices addressing policy challenges related to in-shoring, re-shoring and near-shoring within the EU.
The event was organised as part of the implementation of the BRIDGES project additional activities approved by the IE on 28.6.2021. The focus of the additional activities is increasing regional resilience in view of crises-situations including the Covid19 pandemic. BRIDGES project addresses this issue by proposing a value chains-based development approach. This is achieved, first of all, by localising value-chains’ segments through re-shoring and in-shoring, and secondly, through near-shoring based on interregional complementarities and aiming at longer term collaborations.
The event was moderated by PLP representatives. There were contributions by representatives of the Joint Research Centre and DG Grow; good practices from the Basque Country, BERRY+ S3 partner Friuli Venezia Giulia, and emerging good practices & experiences by BRIDGES partners (Kainuu PP2/LP, Helsinki Uusimaa PP4, Western Macedonia PP5, Western Transdanubia PP7).