Last publications

The Earth Monitoring Competition

The Earth Monitoring Competition 2014 is now open for submissions.

Since 2011, the Copernicus Masters competition has showcased the most innovative solutions for business and society based on Earth observation data. Its purpose is to drive the development of market-oriented applications for utilising data generated through Europe's Copernicus programme.

DIFASS supports creativity and crowdfunding

Bratislava, Slovakia was the place to link up for the 7thDIFASS workshop in succession on yet another hot topic in SME support measures:  the creative sector and crowdfunding.
The DIFASS project facilitates access to finance for enterprises by exchanging innovative business support measures across Europe. The focus is on the development and implementation of non-grant based financial support instruments.

S2G2M2 - Call for Expression of Interest

  • Call for Expression of Interest for Companies working with Innovative Mobile Services to apply for Innovation Vouchers - 5/12/2013

We are looking for companies working with innovative mobile services who are interested to apply for the opportunity to receive innovative business support (free of charge) delivered by innovation experts across Europe. The business support is up to a value of €5,000 and delivered via a pilot Innovation Voucher Scheme.


Addressing Intellectual Property and Human Capital

Hosted by WSX Enterprise, the DIFASS consortium presented 5 successful regional initiatives to an international audience. CEEI-Burgos attended the two-day workshop the took place in Portsmouth in the UK on September 19-20. It featured 5 so-called Good Practices from several European partner regions, these are innovative business support measures implemented or funded by (semi-) public bodies. Central topics of the meeting were attention for Intellectual Property and the stimulation of Human Capital.

Acuerdo hispano-alemán para financiar las pymes españolas

Los ministros alemanes, Wolfgang Schäuble, Philipp Rösler, de finanzas y ecnonomía y sus homólogos españoles, Luis de Guindos, y de Industria, José Manuel Soria, presentaron el 4 de julio en Berlín un acuerdo para la financiación de pymes españolas, por un total de 1.600 millones de euros, aportados por el instituto de crédito alemán KfW y el español ICO.

Adapta Home ganador de la edición burgalesa de YUZZ

20 han sido los jóvenes que han participado en esta edición del Programa YUZZ para jóvenes emprendedores que la Fundación Banesto y CEEI Burgos han organizado en nuestra ciudad, con el objetivo de ayudarles tanto en el desarrollo de su idea, como de ofrecerles formación y asesoramiento que les sea de utilidad en su aventura emprendedora. Este martes se han presentado los tres proyectos ganadores, que en esta ocasión están relacionados con el mundo de la adaptabilidad y la eficiencia energética.
