Smart Agri-Food Webinars, FI-WARE Accelerate

The SmartAgriFood accelerator wants to fund web entrepreneurs and SMEs with new or innovative ideas for applications and services to address the lack of smart ICT tools suited for farm and wider agricultural use. New or existing applications should use FIWARE technologies (an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of future internet applications and services) and ideally be delivered through the FIspace platform (an integrated collaboration system).

A series of webinars has been scheduled  for applicants to the SmartAgriFood open call to familiarise yourselves with the FIspace platform and how it works in practice,  Numbers are limited at each of the webinars and you must register in advance.  If you are interested in participating please follow the instructions below.
1)   Read and watch carefully the tutorials and information available on the FIspace website.
2)  If you have completed the tutorials and developer documentation and you have questions relating to these materials or further questions regarding the FIspace project and solutions please register your questions and sign up for one of the scheduled webinars:
Please keep in mind that the number of participants in each webinar is limited and only those who have sent their questions via the form can participate on the Questions & Answers webinar.
Please try to make your registrations 3days before the webinars in order to be able to collect and analyse the data.
Depending on the number of questions registered and the available timeframe during the webinars not all questions will be addressed but we are planning to include them on the FAQ menu (under development) on the website.
If your registration is accepted, you will receive information via e-mail about how to connect to the webinar.