Submitted on Sat, 30/09/2017 - 18:43
Small Enterprise Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals - Craftsmen & Merchants (IME GSEVEE), as a Lead Partner of the Erasmus+ project: “OpEn – Open up Entrepreneurship”, organized, in the framework of the 82nd TIF, the Final Transnational Thematic Workshop in “N. Germanos” Congress Centre of TIF-HELEXPO, in Thessaloniki on Thursday afternoon 14/09/2017.The primary aim of this Forum was the presentation of this main project’s results and in particular of OpEn on-line course. OpEn project main aim is to inspire and sensitize existing or future young entrepreneurs in the field of digital entrepreneurship. In this context, innovative practices and technological tools were being exploited to develop the specific online course.
The experts of IME GSEVEE and of the rest of the partners from University of Patras, University of Bari (Italy), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), and Business & Innovation Centre of Burgos (Spain) presented the main project’s results. Also, the representative of State Scholarship Foundation, as the National Erasmus+ Agency in Greece, presented the specific programme.
Τhe main conclusion of the Final Forum is the undeniable necessity for continuous and flexible training of both undergraduate and graduate students wishing to develop future entrepreneurial business as well as potential and existing entrepreneurs on digital entrepreneurship in order to be able to act within the digital economy and the international market.