
At CEEI-Burgos we like to think of ourselves as a “Boutique” of integrated services.

By “boutique” we mean: specialisation, personalised attention, professionalism, quality of service, innovation, commitment to our clients’ satisfaction.

On Services: We do not aim to sell you anything, seek your membership or make money. Our only purpose is to provide effective solutions to the problems faced by entrepreneurs like you, who have decided to be self-employed or to set up a company. Whatever is good for you is also good for the wider community..

And if we don’t do it… we find out who can.


Integrated: “One stop shop”

We provide a range of services under one roof, to make things much, much easier for you…

You’ll have to spend time and energy; you’ll have to take the necessary steps, but not one step more.

Punto PAIT

Somos un punto PAIT, lo que nos faculta para crear una Sociedad Limitada en tan sólo 24 horas:

El punto PAIT tiene una doble misión:

  • Prestar servicios presenciales de información y asesoramiento a los emprendedores en la definición y tramitación telemática de sus iniciativas empresariales, así como durante los primeros años de actividad de la Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada.
  • Iniciar el trámite administrativo de constitución de la sociedad a través del Documento Único Electrónico (DUE).

Más sobre el Punto Pait

I HAVE AN IDEA, a new business project BUT…

I don’t know where to begin. Consultancy for creation and start-up.

Come in, at no obligation, and let’s talk

I don't know whether it will work. Business plan.

We’ll study your business’ feasibility together.

I don’t know if I’ll know. Advice and Training tailored to your needs.

Entrepreneurs are made, not born, and need to learn more every day.

I don’t know which doors to knock on. Paperwork: legal requirements and administrative formalities.

On-line set-up of your private limited company or registration as a self-employed person. Free of cost and without running around.

PAIT Point

I’m not sure I’ll have enough money,

  • We finance you:
    Our “Burgos SEED FINANCE”: Loans at no interest and no security for innovative and/or technology based entrepreneurs..
    Shareholder’s loans for young entrepreneurs, ENISA-ANCES Agreement
  • We seek funding for you
    We go to the bank with you
    Venture capital, Business Angels, Securities…there are other ways of securing financing
  • We manage your subsidiess
    All those that are within your reach.

I don’t know where to begin. Come and discover our business incubator..

The very best … between entrepreneurs like you. Join the Community!

I don’t know how to consolidate and develop my business. Citius altius fortius: We help you to integrate innovation and use the technology you need to get to the top “faster, higher, stronger”.".

I don’t know who to trust. CEEI-Burgos, since 1994



  • Burgos Emprende +: Set-up of innovative and/or technology-based companies in Burgos.
  • UBUEMPRENDE. Set-up of companies at the University of Burgos: Competitions, consultancy, training and financing. You have or have had connections with the University of Burgos.
  • INGITER, S.L. the University of Burgo’s first Technology-based Innovative Company (EIBT).
  • YUZZ
  • EIBTS. Technology-based innovative companies. The recognition of a Spanish trademark.
  • BIOANCES. Innovative companies based on life sciences.
  • Network of COUNTRY SHOPS Rural commerce: Set up, enhance and develop your trade.
  • EMPRENDE RURAL. Rural entrepreneurs in Burgos province.


Sponsored collaborativeIniciador Burgos.