Innovation maps of the BRIDGES regions

The capitalisation report of the innovation maps of the BRIDGES regions, European Project in which CEEI  is taking part as advisory partner, is completed and was approved by the project partners during the 4th ISC meeting on 8.6.2017 in Helsinki.
The purpose of this capitalisation report: provide a solid basis of data and methodologies to facilitate decision making in relation to the action plans of the BRIDGES project regional partners.
The innovation maps indicate that while the number of innovation performing businesses is not as extensive as anticipated, RIS3 industries indicate strong potential for renewal and/or modernisation, and in one case, also diversification.
Gaps in the regional innovation systems, lack of critical mass, and mismatches between productive and knowledge bases are sometimes present, too.

All the information about innovation maps: BridgesInterreg

More information about the project: BridgesProject

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